With this option, choose a folder containing background images of the same formats listed above, rather than specific images. If the same old picture on your desktop all the time is too monotonous, the Personalization settings also give you the option of having your wallpaper play a slow slideshow. That last lets you spread an image across multiple monitors, an option that Windows 8 introduced. Your fit choices are Fill, Fit, Stretch, Tile, Center, and Span. After you've selected the wallpaper of your dreams, you need to decide how to fit it on the screen, since not every image has the same aspect ratio as your monitor.
You can tap Browse to choose any image file on your hard drive that's in JPG, JPEG, BMP, DIB, PNG, JFIF, JPE, GIF, TIF, TIFF, or WDP format. Best Hosted Endpoint Protection and Security SoftwareĪ preset sampling of five pictures appears under 'Choose your picture,' but you're not limited to those.